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Die Erneuerung der transatlantischen Partnerschaft

Jörg Calließ
Die transatlantische Partnerschaft braucht einen offenen Diskurs

Morten Kelstrup
The European Union and Globalisation: Reflections on Strategies of individual States

Peter M.E. Volten
The EU as Actor in Security Policy: Rival or Partner of the USA?

Gunther Hellmann
Zwischen Globalisierung und Repolarisierung: Die Transatlantische Partnerschaft in einer Zerreißprobe

Francoise Manfrass-Sirjaques
Die Verzahnung von Werten und Interessen als Spezifikum der transatlantischen Gemeinschaft

Thomas Risse
The Transatlantic Community – A Community of Values? Implications for Security Policy

Matthias Dembinski
Leadership and Multilateralism: How do the United States and the Europeans play their roles in the world?

Jonathan Dean
How the Transatlantic Relationship Will Survive the Errors of its Partners

Elmar Brok
Die neue Transatlantische Agenda: Das Zusammenspiel von wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Aspekten

Elmar Brok
Der Vertrag von Nizza – Ende der EU-Handlungsfähigkeit

Klaus-Peter Gottwald
Transatlantische Beziehungen EU-USA

Bowman H. Miller
Renewal of the Transatlantic Partnership

Franz Nuscheler
Multilateralismus vs. Unilateralismus. Kooperation vs. Hegemonie in den transatlantischen Beziehungen

Daniel N. Nelson
Post Communist Insecurity

Rainer Baumann
In Search of a New Atlantic Bargain: Some Thoughts on Security Cooperation in the Transatlantic Partnership

Dirk Messner
Die EU in der Weltpolitik

James Appaturai
Stronger European Capabilities: The Implications for Euro-Atlantic Crisis Management

Kurt P. Tudyka
Amerika und „wir“ – Europäische Begrenzungen der amerikanischen Hegemonie? Ein Denkanstoß

David Grant
Notice of Revocation of Independence

Fouzieh Melanie Alamir/Roderich Kiesewetter
The European Security and Defense Policy and Potential Causes of Friction with NATO

Jonathan Dean
Unilateral Deployment of National Missile Defense: A Second Hiroshima?

James Appathurai
The New Transatlantic Partnership for the 21st Century

Fouzieh Melanie Alamir
European Security and Defense Policy – A Crack Within NATO?

Daniel N. Nelson
Four Confusions, Four Misunderstandings: Ghosts of America’s Balkan Policy

Colette Mazzucelli
Conflict Prevention for Kosovo/a in an Era of ‚Illiberal Democracy‘. Contributions and Challenges in the Transatlantic Experience. Discovering Education’s ‚Tourth Wave‘

Bill Harman
Pre-Conference Statement

Elly Rijnierse
Towards Global Democracy

Richard Seebohm
The Renewal of the Transatlantic Partnership. Work Group V: International Organisations, Nation States and Civil Society: Where are the perspectives for multi-track policies involving these sectors?

Giovanni Scotto
Whither World Peace? Six Theses for security and conflict transformation in the XXI Century

Reports from the working groups

The Renewal of Transatlantic Partnership

Young Leaders Declaration

Susanne Iden
USA und EU: Balance einer neuen Partnerschaft. In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 16. März 2001

Co-operation with Central Asia

Gernot Erler
Keynote address:

Kooperation mit Zentralasien. Was will und kann die EU leisten?

Nurlan Onzhanov
Keynote address:

Strategie der Europäischen Union für Zentralasien. Kasachstans Erfahrung

Jens Beiküfner
Zentralasien und die EU – Ein Jahr nach der Zentralasienstrategie

Sukhrob Sharipov
The EU’s Strategy for Central Asia: Some Aspects of the Process of Realisation

Andrea Schmitz
Interessen, Instrumente, Einflussgrenzen: Die Europäische Union und Zentralasien

Bulat K. Sultanov
Co-operation Between the EU and Central Asia: The View from Kazakhstan

Jens Beiküfner
Kooperation und Diversifikation in der Energiepolitik
Chancen für die europäisch-zentralasiatischen Beziehungen

Johannes Regenbrecht
Cooperation and Diversification in the Energy Policy:

Opportunities For Strengthening Relations Between Europe and Central Asia

Murad Haitov
Turkmenistan and the European Union

Dossym Satpaev
Features of Kazakhstan’s “Distance Partnership” in the Energy Sphere

Petra Opitz
Energy and Challenges for EU Cooperation with Central Asia

Ardak Sadykova
Co-operation through Education and Academic Exchange – Experiences from Kazakhstan

Barbara Rhode
EU Co-operation in Science and Technology and the Exchange of Researchers With the Countries of Central Asia

Michael Schlicht
Views From the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Nasreen Dhanani
Areas for Academic Collaboration Between the EU and the University of Central Asia

Tim Epkenhans
Herausforderungen der Transformation

Johann W. Gerlach
Cooperation with Central Asia: What Does the EU Want to Contribute, What Can the EU Contribute to this Process?

Benedikt Brisch
Kooperation des DAAD mit Zentralasien: Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Ziele

Wolfgang Levermann
Kooperation mit Zentralasien im Bereich der Wissenschaft. Erfahrungen aus Sicht einer Förderinstitution

Malik Burlibaev, Diana Burlibaeva
On Prospects for Relations Between the Countries of the Central Asian Region and the European Union on Issues of Transboundary Rivers

Jenniver Sehring
Sustainable Water Management in Central Asia: Challenges for Scientific Cooperation

Gulnara Shalpykova
Attract and Retain Young Researchers in Science: Mission Impossible?
A Case of Kyrgyzstan

Anna Kreikemeyer
Einführung: Kooperation durch interkulturellen und interreligiösen Dialog

Muratbek Imanaliev
Can Central Asia Become a Geopolitical and Cultural-religious Intermediary Between Europe and the Islamic World?

Darja Bavda-Kuret
Central Asia – The Implementation of the EU Strategy during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Malikahon Nurmukhamedova
Experiences from Islamic Schools (Madrassas) in Uzbekistan

Julie McBrien
Tolerating Diversity: Secularism and Political Islam in Europe and Central Asia

Omur Orhun
Dialogue, Understanding and Harmony, Leading to Tolerance and Respect

Benedikt Brisch, Jenniver Sehring, Arne C. Seifert

Darja Bavda-Kuret, Francis-Brian Byrne

EU Factsheet ‚Education‘

EU Factsheet ‚Environment‘

Demilitarizing Conflicts

Alle Texte auf Englisch!


Adrian Guelke
Constructive Ambiguities: Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland

Ghassan Khatib
Running Out of Time?

Workshop I: Learning in Conflict
Guiding Questions

Sami Adwan
Learning Each Other’s Historical Narratives. A Palestinian-Israeli Peacebuilding Project

Farid Abu Dheir
The Role of Media in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Avishai Ehrlich
Language and Narrative in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Dan Bar-On, Tal Litvak-Hirsch
Within and Between Group Variance as a Facilitator of Dialogue:

A Jewish-Arab Israeli Encounter Group Focused on Family Stories

John Loughran
From Management to Transformation:

Lessons in Community Peacebuilding. The Experience of INTERCOMM, Belfast

Christian Sterzing
Learning (in) Conflict

Paul Nolan
The Owl and the Dove: Learning Lessons in Ireland and the Middle East

Workshop II: Coming to Terms
Guiding Questions

Asia Afaneh
Engaging Hamas

Allam Jarar
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Addressing Causes Rather Than Symptoms

Amit Leshem
Can the Northern Ireland Peace Process Be a Model for Solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Dermot Nesbitt
Coming to Terms

Dawn Purvis
Nothing Is Agreed Until Everything Is Agreed

David Rose
Peace Brokers Must Abandon ‘Right to Exist’ and Support ‘Ability to Exist’

Margret Johannsen
Supporting or Discouraging the Transformation of a Violent Political Actor:

The Case of the Palestinian Hamas

Workshop III: Security Matters
Guiding Questions

Mohammad Almasri
Palestinian Weapons between Resistance and Rivalry

Joe Brosnan
Building Confidence about Security: A Northern Ireland Example

Bernd W. Kubbig
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as Part of the Many Conflicts in the Middle East/Gulf

Anat Kurz
An Israeli-Hamas Ceasefire: Not a Political Window of Opportunity

Andrew Sens
Demilitarizing Conflicts: Northern Ireland.
About the Role of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning

Corinna Hauswedell
Small Arms – Big Issues
Lessons from the Case of Decommissioning Paramilitary Weapons in Northern Ireland

Mamoun Attili
On the Legitimacy of Force, the Police and Security Work in Palestine

Roland Friedrich
Enhancing Local Ownership in Palestinian Security Sector Reform

Mark Hamilton
How Do We Build a New Consensus on Security around the Principles of Trust, Cooperation, Social Inclusion and Respect for Fundamental Rights of All Citizens?

Al Hutchinson
Security Matters: Post-Conflict Policing – Lessons from Northern Ireland

Anat Kurz
Monopoly of Power and Policing – The Case of the Palestinian Authority

David Rose
About Legitimacy of Force and Policing – Key Points

No Peace, No War – Middle East, Quo Vadis?
Panel Discussion

Wrap-Up Session