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Visionen für das Bildungssystem in Afrika

Gosbert T. M. Byamungu
The Polity of the Syllabus: Pattern Shifting the African Postcolonial Episteme

Tandiwe S. Dumbutshena
Colonial Education and the Imperial Purpose – A Historical Perspective: The Anglophone African Experience

Robinah Kyeyune
Colonial Education and the Imperial Purpose – A Historical Perspective: The Anglophone African Experience

Ousseina Alidou French
Colonial Education and its Postcolonial Legacy in Francophone Africa

Silvia Federici
Public Education, the African Student Movement and the Construction of an African Identity

Alice Merab Kagoda
Education and Construction of African Identity

Kwesi Kwaa Prah
Education, Mother-Tongue Instruction and Development of an African National Culture

E.S. Atieno Odhiambo
The Mind is for Education, the Heart is for Thinking

George Caffentzis
The World Bank and Education in Africa: Reform or Recolonization of African Education?

Ruth Meena
Gender Gaps in African Educational Systems. Causes and Interventions to Redress the Gap

Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo
Discourses of Lifelong Learning and Education: Some Implications for Africa

Alamin M. Mazrui
Education and Intellectual (Re)Production in Africa: Towards a Paradigm Shift

Ullrich Böhm
Private Wealth and Public Poverty -Some Remarks on the Impact of Globalisation on Education and Training

Thomas Gerhards
Difficulties and Prospects of Vocational Education in Africa – MISEREOR’s Experiences

Sibusiso Bengu
Towards a Continental Action Plan to Help Deliver on the Promise of Education for all in Africa

Protestant Academy Loccum

Protestant Academy Loccum – arranges events on socio-political debates in order to strengthen the civic engagement for democracy and dialogue from Christian responsibility.

What is the Protestant Academy Loccum?

The Protestant Academy Loccum has nationwide and international appeal as the most important socio-political forum of the church in Lower Saxony. It was founded by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover in post-war Germany in order to strengthen the democratic reorientation in a society characterized by dictatorship and violence.

The Academy has remained faithful to this founding idea to this day. Democracy lives from the fact that every generation reflects on its socio-political possibilities of shaping and communicates its inner contradictions in dialogue. The Academy promotes these skills by arranging high-caliber events with scholarly expertise on socio-political debates for all interested citizens. In doing so, she is driving forward innovative solutions to societal problems.

As an ecclesial institution, the Academy understands its work for democracy and dialogue out of the Christian responsibility to serve peace and understanding in society. The academy works with its work into the Protestant church and theology: it confronts both with the current problems of social reality and supports them in giving their social and religious tasks a timely and appropriate version.

In Times of Eroding Cooperative Security

Thomas Müller-Färber and Simon Weiß (eds.): In Times of Eroding Cooperative Security. How to Save Conventional Arms Control in Europe? Loccumer Protokolle Vol. 32/2018, Rehburg-Loccum 2020, ISBN 978-3-8172-3218-5, 226 p.


Simon Weiß und Thomas Müller-Färber
Es erodiert und keinen stört‘s!? Einleitung

Thomas Müller-Färber and Simon Weiß

Nora Vanaga
The Interaction of Arms Control and Deterrence

Wolfgang Zellner
Was hat Rüstungskontrolle früher geleistet? Was kann man von ihr heute in Europa erwarten?

Pál Dunay
Arms Control Arrangements under the Aegis of the OSCE: Is There a Better Way to Handle Compliance?

Amy Nelson
Innovation Acceleration, Digitization and the Arms Control Imperative

Mika Kerttunen
The Speed-of-Light Argument and Other Myths of Cyber: Let’s Get Real

Niklas Schörnig
How to Handel New Weapon Systems, Strategies, and Military Capacities? Challenges for arms control

Wolfgang Richter
Trust and Verify. How to Increas Transparency, Build Cooperative Verifi- cation and Avoid Hazardous Incidents

Hartwig Spitzer
The Open Skies Treaty as a transparency regime

Oliver Thränert
Rüstungskontrolle in und für Europa: Die Verknüpfung nicht-nuklearer und nuklearer Fähigkeiten

Xanthe Hall
Winning new partners and forums: How to raise awareness for arms control?

Hans-Joachim Schmidt
Von der Steinmeiner-Initiative zum Strukturierten Dialog

Christian Nünlist und Thomas Müller-Färber
Verpasste Chancen oder unvermeidlicher Konflikt? Wäre zwischen 1989 und 2014 eine kooperativere Beziehung zwischen dem Westen und Russland möglich gewesen?

Wolfgang Richter
Wie weiter mit der konventionellen Rüstungskontrolle in Europa. Statement zur Abschlussdiskussion

Die Rolle der Diaspora in Krisenentwicklung und ziviler Konfliktbearbeitung

Jörg Calließ
Die Kräfte der Diaspora. Von Bemühungen, neue Perspektiven und Ressourcen für Konfliktbearbeitung zu erschließen

Margret Johannsen
Bericht aus Forum 1

As’ad Abdul Rahman
Assessing the Situation in Palestine after Three Years of Armed Conflict

Raif Hussein
Die palästinensische Minderheit im jüdischen-ethnischen Staat

Henning Niederhoff
Betrachtungen zur aktuellen Lage der Palästinenser in Deutschland

Margret Johannsen
Transnational Social Spaces as a New Resource for Constructive Conflict Transformation: What Role for Western European Palestinians?

Muriel Asseburg
Von Aqaba nach Genf – Herausforderungen für europäische Politik

Awat Asadi
Wachsende Bedeutung. Die kurdische Diaspora und eine mögliche Regelung des Kurden-Konfliktes

Bayram Ayaz
Partner für den Dialog

NAVEND-Zentrum für Kurdische Studien e.V.
Verfassungsentwurf für den Bundesstaat Irak

Wolfram Zunzer
Bericht aus Forum 3

Jay Maheswaran
Eduring Grievances and the Current Peace Process in Sri Lanka

Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah
Closing the circle. The Tamil diaspora’s involvement in Sri Lanka

Janaki Balakrishnan
Capacity Development for RRR & Development in North and East of Sri Lanka

Nimalan Karthikeyan
Taking concrete steps for increasing the Sri Lankan Diaspora’s contribution to the peace process

Katrin Radtke
Diaspora und Konfliktfinanzierung: Die moralische Ökonomie des Bürgerkrieges in Sri Lanka

R. Cheran
Diaspora Circulation and Transnationalism as Agents for Change in the Post Conflict Zones of Sri Lanka

W.A.S. Perera
Concrete Steps for Increasing the Sri Lankan Diaspora’s Contribution to the Peace Process

Ranjith Lochbihler
Could joint peace-bulding activities in the host countries contribute to the political dialogue between the communities?

Brian Basnayake
Existing Initiatives in Switzerland Aimed at Reconstruction and Peace-building in Sri Lanka

David Anton Thavarajah
Two Decades of Tamil Diaspora in Switzerland

Wolfram Zunzer
Diaspora and Civil Conflict Transformation. The Case of Sri Lanka

Christoph Bleis
Zusammenfassung der Abschlussdiskussion

Henning Niederhoff
Ziviler Friedensdienst in Deutschland. Eine Alternative der Konfliktlösung

Nigeria: Too Rich for Dignity and the Law?

Attahiru M. Jega
Nigeria After the 2007 Elections: The Tasks Ahead

Heinrich Bergstresser
Nigeria: Ein Land der Extrema – Eine analytische Zeitreise von NEPA bis PHCN

Denis M. Tull
Weltordnung – Afrika – Nigeria

J. Isawa Elaigwu
Federalism, Governance and Security in Nigeria

Bunu Lawan
Responsible Use of Resources

Klaus Hock
The Religious Dimension of Political Conflicts

Alhaji Ibrahim Biu
2007 General Elections in Nigeria: Voter and Civic Education Experience

Funmi Olayinka
Is Nigeria Democratising? Issues and Options for Deepening Democracy in Nigeria

Heinz Jockers / Ralph Michael Peters
Elections and Political Implications in Nigeria 2007

Etham B. Mijah
Democracy, Internal Security and the Challenges of Policing Nigeria

Klaus Pähler
Nigeria stolpert auf dem steinigen Weg zur Demokratie

Abbya Udofia
Issues of Responsible Resource Use and Economic Development

Rose Ngomba-Roth
Lessons from the Niger Delta

Stefan Cramer
Climate Change – An Overlooked Factor in Nigeria’s Future

Hauwa Ibrahim
What is Equality? Equality, Special Treament and Social Transformation

Habila M. Istifanus
Civil Society Political Consolidation and the Challenges of Ethno-religious Conflicts

Yusuf Nadabo Usman
A Journalist’s Perspective of Conflicts in Adamawa State of Nigeria

George Ehusani
Beyond North and South: Citizenship Rights, Justice and Participation for a Wholesome Nigeria

Nick Idoko
The Youth, Armed Violence and Small Arms: The Nigerian Perspective

Viktor Matz
What Kind of Responsitility for Peace- and Justice-oriented Policies Can External Governmental and Non-governmental Initiatives Take on in Collaboration with Nigerian Actors?

Gabriele Groneberg
Parliamentary and Other Forms of Co-operation

Hartwig Fischer
Nigeria: Too Wealthy for Dignity and Justice?Political Perspectives After Election


Kein Leben ohne Wurzeln – No Life without Roots

Yves Ekoué Amaïzo
Sustainable development in Africa: Could western development models „bypass“ local culture? Background leading to the collapse of UN Development Decades (Western Models)

Thierry Verhelst
The Impact of Identity. On Local Development and Democracy

Belachew Gebrewold-Tochalo
Indigenous culture and development. The case of the Kambata/Ethiopia

Thierry Verhelst
Entrepreneurship and African Cultures

Jeff Haynes
Religion and Development in Africa

Ulrich Lölke
Afrika und die Medien: Vom kolonialen Blick zum innerkulturellen Dialog

Davis Oladeji Nejo
African Cultures in European Media. Intercultural Dialogue. The return of the truth

Alice Merab Kagoda
The Impact of Globalisation on African. Cultures with particular Reference to Identity and Outlook on Life

Jos Schnurer
Der Beitrag der internationalen Zivilgesellschaft der NGOs und sozialen Bewegungen für die Entwicklung einer demokratischen politischen Kultur in Afrika

Klaus Schilder
Culture in the Implementation of the EU-ACP Partnership Agreement. Can the Cultural Dimension be Integrated into the Strategies and Approaches of International Development Agencies?

Mogomme Alpheus Masoga
Contesting Space and Time: The West and Africa in conversations: African culture in perspective

Poverty eradication through Economic growth – Local and provincial Developments strategies

I. Introduction and Welcome

Fritz Erich Anhelm
Partnership on cooperative development: South Africa – Germany

Eddie Makue
Welcome and introduction in the Conference

II. How the dialogue has started and how far it has gone

Christian Krause
Poverty eradication through economic growth

Tinyiko Maluleke
Partnership on cooperative development between South Africa and Germany. Reflection on its history and aims

Godfrey Mokate
The National Development Agency South Africa and the previous Conference at Oudtshoorn

III. Partnership activities between Eastern Cape and Lower Saxony

Sibongile Muthwa
Partnership on cooperative development Eastern Cape – Lower Saxony: Processes, aims, strategies

Friedrich-Otto Ripke
Partnership on cooperative development Eastern Cape – Lower Saxony: Processes, aims, strategies

IV. Why and how to develop Economy

Réjane Woodroffe
Economic growth –regional and local development strategies

Mcebisi Nonjola
Local economic development

Arno Brandt
Concepts for economic development at the regional and local level

V. Housing

Nandipha Sishuba
Housing projects for generating working places and sustainability

Bernd Heins
African Sustainable House

Joe Jongolo
Housing projects for generating working places and sustainability
Report Workshop 1

VI. Energy

Michael Madjera
Energy crops as a medium for community development

Marcia Manong
Dezentralized and sustainable Energy-Systems: How can they be used for development in rural areas?
Report Workshop 2

VII. Health

Unathi Malinzi
Sanitary and health systems on communal level: AIDS / HIV-Projects and networking
Report Workshop 3

VIII. Education

Peter Winter
The partnership between Lower Saxony and Thomas Castens the Province Eastern Cape and the signifiance of projects in the field of vocational training
Report Workshop 4

IX. The African, European and Global Context

Vuyelwa Nhlapo
Strategic partnership and its environment (EU/ NEPAD/ UN). Future priorities and the current situation

Harro Adt
Strategic partnership and its context (EU/NEPAD/UN). Future priorities and the lack of a common strategy

Ruth Gütter
Strategic partnership – Future priorities for greater Social Participation. Viewpoints of the Protestant Church and the church development service

Ivan Abrahams
Strategic partnership (EU/ NEPAD/ UN). Future priorities to improve people’s lives

X. Morning Prayers and Closing Remarks

Tinyiko Sam Maluleke
Short homily: Rescuing Lazarus

Henrich Scheffer
Morning prayer 16th March, 2008

Christian Krause
Closing remarks

Fragile Staatlichkeit

Barbara Müller
Fragile Staatlichkeit – neues wissenschaftliches Paradigma oder Signalwort für den Postboten?
Ein Trendbegriff auf dem Prüfstand einer Tagung in der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum

Gabi Hesselbein
Fragile Statehood: Getting the state back into the developmental picture

Paul Isenman
What’s in a name? Is the term „fragile state“ useful?

Georg Sørensen
Would it Make Sense to Use the Term „Fragile Statehood“ as a Category for Orientation and Action?

Tobias Debiel/ Stephan Klingebiel/ Andreas Mehler/ Ulrich Schneckener
Zwischen Ignorieren und Intervenieren. Strategieren und Dilemmata externer Akteure in fragilen Staaten. SEF-Policy Paper 23

Kanak Mani Dixit
Absolute Monarchy to Absolute Democracy. Struggling for Nepal’s Future

Jörg Frieden
Aid allocation to fragile States: observations from Nepal

Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka
The Maoist rebellion and the increasing fragility Nepal

Roman Poeschke/ Tina Hofstätter
Fragile Statehood in Nepal – Lessons learnt.

Natalia Ablova
What is the life of individuals like in Kyrgyz Republic. From the Island of Democracy Towards a Fragile State

Beate Eschment
Kirgistan unter neuer Führung. Aufbruch in eine bessere Zukunft?

Alexey Gunya
Fragile Statehood in Kyrgyzstan

Jago Salmon
Fagile Statehood in Sudan: Reversing the Necrosis of State and Society

Marina Peter
Krieg und Frieden im Sudan

Aloys Tegera
A failing state at the crossroads: The case of the DRC

Daniel Stroux/ Dunja Speiser
Fragile Staatlichkeit. Können Stabilität und Frieden von außen gefördert werden?

Natascha Zupan
Impressionen einer Bosnienreise

Natascha Zupan
Bericht der Arbeitsgruppe

Hans-Jürgen Burchardt/ Tanja Ernst/ Ana Maria Isidoro Losada
Bolivien – kein Staat zu machen?

Thomas Kampffmeyer/ Constanze Helmchen
Fragile Staatlichkeit in Bolivien – Konsequenzen für die Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Bernd Hoffmann/ Roman Poeschke
Kann von außen die Stabilisierung fragiler Staaten gefördert werden? Erkenntnisse und Einschätzungen aus Sicht der GTZ

Günther Baechler
Armut, Angst und Not in einer zerbrechlichen Welt überwinden! Plädoyer für ein zeitgemäßes Verständnis der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Peter Sampson
Problematicising Peace

Rainer Tetzlaff
Fragile Staatlichkeit in der Dritten Welt zwischen Globalisierung und Friedenspolitik – einige Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Diskussion

Anita Bay Bundegaard
Displaced populations and Fragile States