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Bullying best buddies?

Current U.S. Foreign Policy and Its Impacts on Europe

Eine Tagung auf Englisch für Schülerinnen und Schüler der SEK II

17.12.2019 - 18.12.2019


Die USA verfolgen derzeit in der Außen- und Handelspolitik einen konfrontativen Kurs, der selbst die eigenen Verbündeten überrascht. Ökonomischer Nationalismus, die Stärkung der nationalen Sicherheit und „Frieden durch militärische Stärke“ stehen dabei strategisch im Vordergrund. Die neue Tonlage unter Donald Trump hat gravierende Folgen für Europa. Welchen Weg wird es unter diesen Bedingungen handels- und sicherheitspolitisch einschlagen?



Dienstag, 17.12.2019
09:30 Uhr
Arrival, tea and coffee

09:45 Uhr
Official Welcome and Short Introduction

Simone Schad-Smith, Evangelische Akademie Loccum

10:00 Uhr
Leaders of the Free World? Outlines of U.S. Foreign Policy and the Role of the U.S. within the International Order since the End of World War II

Andrea Rotter, Akademie für Zeitgeschehen und Politik, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, München

11:00 Uhr

11:15 Uhr
Ambivalent and Unpredictable? Trump’s “America first” Policy and its Impact on International Relations

Andrea Rotter

12:30 Uhr
Lunch and check-in

14:00 Uhr
“Restoring the Role of the Nation States in the Liberal International Order” - Outlines of U.S. Foreign Policy Towards NATO and EU

Analyzing Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s re-marks at German Marshall Fund in Brussels in Decem-ber 2018 and Selected Reactions of Partners at Munich Security Conference 2019 (small groups)

15:30 Uhr

16:00 Uhr
Undermining International Institutions and Multilateral Agreements to Build a New Liberal Order?

Selected issues of President Trump’s Foreign and Trade Policy and its impact – Part I

Terminating Nuke Deals. The new U.S. Nuclear Weapons Strategy and its Impact on Europe

Jerry Sommer, Journalist und Rüstungsexperte, Düsseldorf

18:00 Uhr

18:30 Uhr

19:30 Uhr
Film night

Mittwoch, 18.12.2019
08:15 Uhr
Morning prayers, breakfast

09:30 Uhr
Undermining International Institutions and Multilateral Agreements to Build a New Liberal Order?

Selected issues of President Trump’s Foreign and Trade Policy and its impact – Part II

WS 1: A Matter of Credibility? U.S. Foreign Policy towards Russia and the role of NATO and the EU

Dr. Marco Overhaus, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin

WS 2: Facing Trade Wars? Protectionist Strategies for the U.S. Economy and Consequences for Europe

PD Dr. Thomas Greven, John F. Kennedy-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

WS 3: “Decoupling” from an Economic Partner? Trade conflicts between the U.S.A. and China

Maximilian Kärnfelt, Mercator Institute for China Studies (Merics), Berlin

WS 4: Multilateralism in Crisis? The Difficult Relationship Between the U.S.A. and the United Nations

Dr. Patrick Rosenow, Leitender Redakteur der Zeitschrift VEREINTE NATIONEN Berlin

11:00 Uhr

11:15 Uhr
Workshops continue

12:30 Uhr

13:30 Uhr
Preparing the Final Discussion in small groups

14:15 Uhr
Revitalizing Transatlantic Relations – How to deal with Trump’s way of treating friends and allies?

Discussion with
Sudha David-Wilp, Senior Transatlantic Fellow and Deputy Head of German Marshall Fund of the United States, Berlin

15:30 Uhr
Coffee and Cake

16:00 Uhr
Feedback on the Conference, Closing Remarks

16:15 Uhr
End of Program and Departure to Wunstorf


Andrea Rotter
is a researcher at the Academy for Politics and Current Affairs of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (HSS) in Munich, where she focuses on German security and defense policy as well as transatlantic security cooperation. Before joining HSS, Ms. Rotter worked as a research assistant for the research division “The Americas” of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP) in Berlin. Prior to that worked in the department of International Politics and Transatlantic Relations at the University of Regensburg. Ms. Rotter holds an MA in European-American Relations from the University of Regensburg and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Cultural and Business Studies from the University of Passau and the University of Stirling, United Kingdom.
Jerry Sommer
hat Geschichte und Politikwissenschaft auf höheres Lehramt studiert, dann aber als Journalist gearbeitet, u.a. für „Die Zeit“, „taz“ „Stern“, das Fernsehen (Deutsche Welle, WDR) und den Rundfunk (WDR, Deutschlandfunk, NDR). Seit 2007 ist er freier Mitarbeiter des Bonn International Center for Conversion. Seine Schwerpunktthemen sind internationale und deutsche Rüstungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung. (Vortrag in Deutsch)
Dr. Marco Overhaus
is a senior associate and deputy head of the research division ”The Americas“ at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP) in Berlin. He holds a diploma in Political Science from the University of Potsdam. Previously, he worked in the Policy Planning division for North America at the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), and at the Chair for International Relations and Foreign Policy of the University of Trier. He was a Transatlantic Fellow at RAND Corporation, Washington, D.C., and at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Paris. His research focus at SWP is: The United States of America, NATO as well as Transatlantic relations.
PD Dr. Thomas Greven
is adjunct professor of political science at Freie Universität Berlin and an independent lecturer, political consultant and analyst. He teaches at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies as well as in the Africa division of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin. Greven studied political science at FU Berlin and Western Michigan University. In 1995-96, he was a Congressional Fellow in the office of Bernie Sanders. He received his doctorate and “habilitation” in political science at FU Berlin where he served as a professor for many years. Thomas Greven was visiting scholar, inter alia, at the University of British-Columbia, the Economic Policy Institute (Washington DC), the University of California, Berkeley, York University in Toronto, the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC). His research interests include US politics and foreign policy, labor unions and industrial relations, globalization and development policy, right-wing populism and extremism and African politics.
Maximilian Kärnfeld
works as an analyst at Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), Berlin. His main fields of research are China’s macroeconomy, monetary policy, and financial markets. Prior to joining MERICS, he worked as an economic consultant for several companies. In 2016, he received his master’s degree in economics from Peking University, where he also worked as a research assistant. Kärnfelt has an undergraduate degree in financial economics from the University of Gothenburg, and he studied Chinese at both Zhejiang Agriculture & Forestry University and Wanli University.
Dr. Patrick Rosenow
is editor-in-chief of the German Review on the United Nations (“Zeitschrift Vereinte Nationen”), which is published by the United Nations Association of Germany (UNA Germany, DGVN), located in Berlin. His research focuses are the role of the United States at the United Nations and the United Nations in general. In 2009, he published the book „Weltmacht gegen Weltorganisation? Die UN-Politik der USA unter George W. Bush“, in 2019 he published his dissertation „Die Ständigen Vertreter der USA bei den Vereinten Nationen“. Previously, he was research assistant at the Professorship of International Organizations and Globalization at the Department for Political Science at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Prior to that, he worked as a lecturer in political education at Haus Rissen Hamburg, an independent institute for international politics and economics. Patrick Rosenow studied political science, sociology and European ethnology at Christian Albrechts University Kiel.
Sudha David-Wilp
is a senior transatlantic fellow and deputy director of the Berlin office of German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States. She oversees GMF’s Congress-Bundestag Forum, a joint program with the Robert Bosch Foundation, and engages with the media as an expert on German–U.S. relations, and covers transatlantic digital topics. Before moving to Berlin in 2011, she was the director of international programs at the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress in Washington, DC for nearly eight years. At the Association, David-Wilp was responsible for congressional study groups and international programs for current members of Congress and senior congressional staff. She established a trilateral roundtable format for legislators and launched a speakers’ program involving current and former lawmakers. She received her bachelor’s from Johns Hopkins University and her master’s in international relations from Columbia University.