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EU-Beitritt - vom "Wann" zum "Ob"?

Die neue Westbalkanpolitik der EU und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten


07.09.2020 - 09.09.2020


Dem Westbalkan mangelt es an Versöhnung. Trotz zahlreicher Bemühungen sind die inner- und zwischengesellschaftlichen Konflikte der Ex-Jugoslawien-Kriege der 90er Jahre nach wie vor virulent. Sie bilden für die Staaten der Region den wichtigsten Bremsklotz für wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt und die angestrebte europäische Integration. Die EU und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten haben Dialog und Versöhnung daher zum Schwerpunkt ihrer Westbalkanstrategie erhoben. Wie kann dies gelingen?

Die Tagung findet in Kooperation mit der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (SOG) statt. Ansprechpartner ist: Tobias Flessenkemper

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Montag, 07.09.2020
13:30 Uhr
Anreise der Teilnehmenden zum Stehkaffee

14:45 Uhr
Begrüßung und Eröffnung

Thomas Müller-Färber, International and Security Affairs, Protestant Academy Loccum

Tobias Flessenkemper, Board Member of the Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG), Munich & Head of the Council of Europe office in Belgrade

15:00 Uhr
Die EU und der Westbalkan: eine schwierige Beziehung?

Florian Bieber, Professor of Southeast European History and Politics and Director of the Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz & Board Member of the Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG), Vienna (online participation)

16:00 Uhr
Kaffee und Kuchen

16:30 Uhr
Die EU und der Westbalkan: Wie geht es weiter?

Clive Rumbold, Senior Expert, Western Balkans Division, European External Action Service, Brussels (online participation)

Simonida Kacarska, Director, European Policy Institute, Skopje (confirmed – online participation)

Josip Juratović, Member of the German Parliament (SPD), Spokesperson of the Subcommittee on Crisis Prevention and Conflict Resolution and Member of the Foreign Affairs Committe, Vice-President of the Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft –SOG) Berlin/Heilbronn

Jasmin Mujanovič, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies at Elon University and author of the book “Hunger and Fury: The Crisis of Democracy in the Balkans”, Elon (confirmed – online participation)

Moderator: Christian Hagemann, Deputy Director, Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG), Munich (confirmed)

17:30 Uhr
Kaffee- und Teepause

17:45 Uhr
Fortsetzung der Plenardiskussion

18:30 Uhr
Ende der Diskussion

19:15 Uhr

20:15 Uhr
Pressegespräch: Was hält uns nachts wach, wenn wir an den Westbalkan denken?

Adelheid Wölfl, South Eastern Europe Correspondent, Der Standard, Sarajevo confirmed)

Norbert Mappes-Niediek, Journalist and Author focusing on South Eastern Europe, Graz (confirmed)

Jovo Martinović, Investigative Journalist, Podgorica (confirmed – online participation)

Srećko Matić, Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Bonn (confirmed)

Moderator: Tobias Flessenkemper

21:30 Uhr
Ausklang auf der Galerie

Dienstag, 08.09.2020
08:15 Uhr
Morgenandacht (optional), anschl. Frühstück

09:45 Uhr
Ideenworkshop: Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Westbalkan-Politik

10:00 Uhr
Arbeit in parallelen Arbeitsgruppen

AG I: Europa

Input Speaker: Adnan Ćerimagić, European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin (confirmed - online participation)

Facilitator: Miranda Jakiša, Professor at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna (confirmed - online participation)

Christian Castagna, Director, VoisinageS (NeighbourhoodS), Paris (confirmed)

Peter Grk, National Coordinator for Western Balkans, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretary-General, Bled Strategic Forum Ljubljana (confirmed - online participation)

Florent Marciacq, French-Austrian Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (CFA / ÖFZ), Vienna (confirmed)

Norbert Mappes-Niediek, Journalist and Author focusing on South Eastern Europe, Graz (confirmed)

Aleksandra Tomanić, Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans, Belgrade (confirmed –online participation)

AG II: "Togetherness"

Input Speaker: Mario Mažić, Youth Initiative for Human Rights(YIHR) and Board Member of the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, Zagreb (confirmed - online participation)

Facilitator: Adelheid Wölfl, South Eastern Europe Correspondent, Der Standard, Sarajevo (confirmed)

Đuro Blanuša, Secretary-General, Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Tirana (cofirmed)

Alida Bremer, Autor, Translator, Editor, and Literary Scholar, Münster (confirmed)

Marika Djolai, European Center for Minority Issues (ECMI) Flensburg (confirmed)

Christoph Lüttmann, Managing Director, CSSP, Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation, Berlin (confirmed - online participation)

Srećko Matić, Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Bonn (confirmed)

Siddharth Tripathi, Postdoctoral Fellow Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfur and Visiting Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affair (SWP), Erfurt/Berlin (confirmed)

Evelyn Reuter, Lecturer, Institute for Slavonci Languages and Caucasus Studies, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

AG III: Demokratie

Input Speaker: Max Brändle, Head, Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s office in Serbia, Begrade (confirmed)

Facilitator: Christian Hagemann, Deputy Director, Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – SOG), Munich (confirmed)

Valeska Esch, Deputy Executive Director, Aspen Institute Germany, Berlin (confirmed – online participation)

Ardian Hackaj, Director, Shteti Web, Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), Tirana (confirmed – online participation)

Jovo Martinović, Investigative Journalist, Podgorica (confirmed – online participation)

Adis Merdzanovic, ZHAW School of Management and Law Institut für Marketing Management, Winterthur (confirmed – online participation)

Corina Stratulat, Head of European Politics and Institutions Programme and Senior Policy Analyst, European Policy Center, Brussels (confirmed – online participation)

Gudrun Steinacker, Ambassador (ret.), Vice-President of the Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft –SOG), Vienna

Claudia Laštro, Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, Graz/Munich

13:00 Uhr

14:30 Uhr
Wie soll es weitergehen mit der europäischen Westbalkanpolitik? (im Plenum)

Peter Beyer, Member of the German Parliament (CDU), Foreign Affairs Committee, Coordinator for the transatlantic relations and Vice-President of the Southeast Europe Association (Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft –SOG), Berlin/Ratingen (confirmed - online participation)

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council, Sarajevo (confirmed – online participation)

Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, Member of the European Parliament (Group of the Greens), Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Brussels (confirmed - online participation)

Valérie Rabault, Assemblée mationale, President of the Group of Parti socialiste in parliament, Paris (confirmed - online participation)

Moderation: Florent Marciacq, French-Austrian Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (CFA / ÖFZ), Vienna (confirmed)

16:00 Uhr
Waldspaziergang & Picknick

17:30 Uhr
Schreibwerkstatt (parallel in den Arbeitsgruppen)

Fragen und Empfehlungen für die Zukunft

19:15 Uhr

20:15 Uhr
„Perspektivwechsel“: Was kann uns Kunst und Kultur über den Westbalkan sagen?

Alida Bremer, Autor, Translator, Editor, and Literary Scholar, Münster (confirmed)

Miranda Jakiša, Professor at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna (confirmed - online participation)

Moderation: Tobias Flessenkemper

21:30 Uhr
Ausklang auf der Galerie

Mittwoch, 09.09.2020
08:15 Uhr
Morgenandacht (optional), anschl. Frühstück

10:00 Uhr
Was haben wir gelernt? Was haben wir verpasst? (Plenumsdiskussion)

11:00 Uhr
Kaffee- und Teepause

11:15 Uhr

Christiane Hullmann, Head of Western Balkan Division, German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin (confirmed - online participation)
Gordan Bakota, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Germany, Berlin (confirmed - online participation)

Vedran Džihič, Senior Research at the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), lecture at the University of Vienna and non-resident Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Vienna (confirmed - online participation)

Peter Grk, National Coordinator for Western Balkans, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Secretary-General, Bled Strategic Forum Ljubljana (confirmed - online participation)

Manuel Sarrazin, Member of the German Parliament (Bündnis 90/die Grünen), Foreign Affairs Committee andEuropean Committee, President of the Southeast Europe Association, Hamburg/Berlin (confirmed - online participation)

Moderation: Thomas Müller-Färber

13:00 Uhr