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Ukraine – On Route to the West

How to Handle EU-Enlargement Under New Circumstances?

08.12.2023 - 10.12.2023


When and how the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine will end is difficult to assess at the moment. What is clear, however, is that Ukraine is amid a complex process of integration within the West. Apart from smart rebuilding efforts and credible security arrangements capable of safeguarding d Ukraine’s future, Kyiv’s EU integration is of particular importance for the country’s westward movement. Significant reforms are required to proceed towards EU membership negotiations. But it is not only Kyiv that has to do its homework. Ukraine’s move to Brussels sparks again the difficult debate on the relationship between deepening and widening the EU. How does the EU have to change to be fit for Ukraine? How to adapt the current EU enlargement policy – often described as hyper-technical and over-symbolized at the same time – to new geopolitical circumstances?

A few days before the decisive December EU summit we will bring together experts from across Europe to elaborate within an interactive idea workshop (see second conference day) key questions of the future development of the EU-Ukraine relation.



Freitag, 08.12.2023
14:30 Uhr
Arrival and Check-in

15:00 Uhr
Coffee and Cake

15:30 Uhr
Words of Welcome

Thomas MÜLLER-FÄRBER, Program Director International Affairs, Protestant Academy Loccum

15:45 Uhr
Ukraine’s Long Road to the West – Or the Other Way Around?

Viola von CRAMON, MdEP (the Greens/European Free Alliance) Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chair of the Delegation of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee, Brussels/Göttingen (confirmed)
Kateryna MISHCHENKO, Writer, Publisher, and Fellow at Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Berlin/Kyiv (confirmed)
Inna NELLES, Co-Founder of the German-Ukrainian Bureau (Deutsch-Ukrainisches Büro), Düsseldorf/Berlin (confirmed)

17:00 Uhr
Coffee and Tea Break

17:15 Uhr
Current Trends and Future Developments on the Battlefield

Nico LANGE, Senior Fellow, Munich Security Conference, Berlin (confirmed)
Mykhailo SAMUS, Director, New Geopolitics Research Network, Kyiv (confirmed)

18:30 Uhr

19:30 Uhr
Enlargement, the EU and Ukraine – Is it Possible to Square the Circle of Widening, Deepening and Reforming?

Liubov AKULENKO, Executive Director, Center for European Policy (UCEP), Kyiv (confirmed)
Rebecca HARMS, Vice Chair, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom and former Member of the European Parliament (2004-2019) (confirmed)
Victoria VOYTSITSKA, International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) and former Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Kyiv (confirmed)

21:00 Uhr
Informal Get Together at the Gallery

Samstag, 09.12.2023
08:15 Uhr
Morning Prayer (optional)

08:30 Uhr

09:15 Uhr
A Multidimensional EU-Process of Widening, Deepening, and Reforming

09:15 Uhr

Fit for Ukraine? How the EU Needs to Change in Light of Further Rounds of Enlargement?

Rémi DUFLOT, Deputy Head, The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Brussels/Kyiv (confirmed)
Inna MELNYKOVSKA, Assistant Professor, Comparative Political Economy and Political Science
Department, Central European University, Vienna (confirmed)
Roderick PARKES, Research Director and Head of the Alfred von Oppenheim Center for the Future of Europe, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin (confirmed)
Arndt WONKA, Professor, Institute European Studies, University of Bremen (confirmed)

Moderation: Julia FRIEDRICH, Research Fellow, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin (confirmed)

10:45 Uhr
Coffee and Tea Break

11:00 Uhr

Back on the Agenda: How to Revitalize EU-Enlargement Policy under New Circumstances?

Petra GOMBALOVA KYSLINGEROVA, Head, Ukraine Unit, European External Action Service, Brussels (confirmed)
Engjellushe MORINA, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), Berlin (confirmed)
Iryna KOSSE, Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, and Member of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform, Kyiv (confirmed)
Amanda PAUL, Senior Policy Analyst, European in the World Programme and leader of the “Ukraine’s European Future” project, European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels (confirmed)

Moderation: Oleksandra KEUDEL, Associate Professor at Kyiv School of Economics

12:30 Uhr

13:30 Uhr
Optional Sightseeing Tour to the Monastery Loccum (founded 1163)

15:00 Uhr
Coffee and Cake

15:30 Uhr

Kyiv’s Homework: Key Challenges on Ukraine’s Route to the EU

Oksana HUSS, Researcher at University of Bologna and Lecturer at the Kyiv School of Economics, Kyiv/Bologna (confirmed)
Wilfried JILGE, Historian and Ukraine Expert, Associate Fellow of the DGAP (German Council on Foreign Relations) and Senior Adviser Ukraine and Wider Black Sea Region at the Integrated Response HUB for Ukraine, Stabilization Platform, GIZ, Berlin (confirmed)
Mattia NELLES, Policy Advisor and Co-Founder of the German-Ukrainian Bureau (Deutsch-Ukrainisches Büro), Düsseldorf/Berlin (confirmed)
Iryna SOLONENKO, Senior Fellow at the Center for Liberal Modernity, Kyiv/Berlin (confirmed)

Moderation: Laura CHRISTOPH, Project Manager and Research Associate, UA Transformation Lab and Ukraine Perspectives, IEP (Institut für Europäische Politik), Berlin (confirmed)

17:00 Uhr
Coffee and Tea Break

17:15 Uhr
Parallel Writing Workshops: Trying to Pen Key Findings and Policy Recommendations

Room C – Widening
Room E – Reforming
Room G – Deepening

18:30 Uhr

19:30 Uhr
Ukraine’s Role in Europe’s Future Security Architecture

Thomas LENK, Head of Unit Ukraine, Moldova, Black Sea Cooperation, German Foreign Office, Berlin (confirmed)
Mattia NELLES, Policy Advisor and Co-Founder of the German-Ukrainian Bureau (Deutsch-Ukrainisches Büro), Düsseldorf/Berlin (confirmed)
Susan STEWART, Head, Eastern Europe & Eurasia Research Division, German Institute for
International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin (confirmed)

Moderation: Thomas MÜLLER-FÄRBER, Program Director
International Affairs, Protestant Academy Loccum

21:00 Uhr
Informal Get Together at the Gallery

Sonntag, 10.12.2023
08:15 Uhr
Morning Prayer (optional)

08:30 Uhr

09:30 Uhr
Presenting and Discussing the Findings of the Breakout Groups

10:45 Uhr
Coffee and Tea Break

11:00 Uhr
Ukraine’s Rocky Way to the West: Key Takeaways and Open Question

Mariia MEZENTSEVA, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament (Servant of the People), Head of the Ukrainian Delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and Deputy Head of the Committee on European Integration, Kyiv (invited)
Mariia IONOVA, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament (European Solidarity), Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee for inter-parliamentarian cooperation, Kyiv (confirmed)
Robin WAGENER, Special Envoy for the Cooperation with the Civil Society within the Eastern Partnership at the German Foreign Office, Member of Parliament (Greens) and Chair of the German-Ukrainian Parliamentarian Group, Berlin/Bad Salzuflen (confirmed)

12:20 Uhr
Wrap-Up & Words of Farwell

Thomas MÜLLER-FÄRBER, Program Director International Affairs, Protestant Academy Loccum

12:30 Uhr
Goodbye Lunch

12:50 Uhr
Bus Shuttle to Wunstorf